Thursday, December 9, 2010

Everything Looks Better in Black and White

Isn't it great how on the movie you can call someone up and really give them a piece of your mind? Tell them everything you've been bottling up for the past 10 years.... Or something that popped into your head only 2 seconds ago. Whether it's 'Darling, I love you. And I wanna come home' or letting them know you think they're a 'double-crossing chimpanzee' and that the next time you see them you're going to 'hammer on their monkeyed skull 'til it rings like a Chinese gong'.

But, I just can't be that... honest; the Hildy Johnson of the 21st Century. Laughing and smiling, and the minute someone says something to me I don't like I rake them over the coals for it. Of course, it's goes without saying that all of this would occur without phasing or affecting the second party at all! The days would go on, & the love would continue, & we'd live happily ever after when I got done bursting into tears in the arms of some tall/dark/handsome man who just happened to be madly in love with me.

The thing is, no matter who hurts you in this life- no matter how much you retaliate, or don't- you can't worry about EVERYTHING. Sure, it all goes gracefully on the silver-screen; when the lights go dim & the blur effect streams in, everybody looks starry eyed and dazed. But, that's not real. It wasa never meant to be anything but entertaining.

So, I thank every single person who has every done me wrong. "Entertained" me, if you will. Also, individuals yet to pull something over on me because I was dumb enough to trust them and loved them enough to ignore the signs. It made me a better person because, even though I didn't get to scream the obscenities at you that might pillow might have heard or that my dog might have yet to witness, I let go. I released my pride, and held onto my dignity.